Hey, guys!
Today I’m going to tell you about an easy and popular way to make your own cream products.
In this article I’ll be showing you how to make cream eyeshadow.

What will you need?
- 1. Some pigments or powder eyeshadow. You can even scrape some eyeshadow of a palette if you want to. The main point is that you must have a powder product.
I used these two pigments “Midnight blue” and “Bridal Glow” by Z!NK. There are really beautiful and very pigmentated. I used the “Bridal Glow” because I wanted to add some softness.

- 2. A small jar in which to mix your products.

- 3.Vaseline.

- 4. A tool to help you with the mixing.

The process:
First of all I took the small jar and with the help of my mixing tool (which is actually used for manicure purposes but oh well) I placed some of the blue pigment in it. I prefer using small amounts, because products with Vaseline do not tend to last long. Better make more when this is over.

Next I added some of the white pigment and mixed them up. Again I repeat this is not necessary.

Next I took a small amount of the Vaseline. I added just a little at first. Better add less and them put more. After all it’s easier to add then to remove from this.

I mixed them up until I got a homogeneous mixture. Since I added little products this is how it looks:

And the final result:

You can use this method to mix any kind of colors and create your own beautiful colors. With these steps you can also make your own cream blush.
Hope you liked this article. Have a wonderful day and follow my blog for more fun ideas and advice!
Love, Perry!
все ми се ще да пробвам тоя номер и онзи с собствено червило (пак вазелин и сенки), но нямам вазелин XD иначе хубав цвят , хихи ''драматична'' база
ОтговорИзтриванеопаа *със* ''о, свещена простота'' :D понякога се чудя как съм завършила с този език
ОтговорИзтриванеЗа червилото не знам номера, но ще го видя.
ОтговорИзтриванеВсе пак бих предпочела да си купя червила и да ги претопя и смеся до подходящ цвят.
Но ако правиш червило, сенки или каквото и да е с вазелин, имай напредвид съвета ми тук- нека да е в малки количества. :д