
вторник, 11 юни 2013 г.

How to cover up imperfections of the skin!

I bet you’ve been wondering sometimes how some girls have that perfect skin look. You know, the one that makes you think if they are made out of porcelain.
Some people have it natural, but some use makeup. You know that not all of us are blessed with glamorous looking skin and that often is a reason to feel not that great.
If you ask me, the best way to get good skin is to use skin care products and follow small daily procedures that can help you get that goo look. (This will be one of my articles in the near future).  But sometimes we can’t wait, sometimes we need a fast result for a party, a date… and we need to look good.
Well this article will  help you achieve that perfect skin in no time. It takes about 5-7 minutes. 

What you need:
Kabuki Brush
Foundation Primer. (Optional)
Foundation. (According to your skin color)

Step 1:
Apply some skin primer on your brush or you can even use your hands if you feel like it , to add the primer on your face. A primer is used to make the application of the foundation easier and also creates a barrier between the skin and the foundation. It moisturizes the skin and trust me, sometimes it is the key to your good look.

Step 2: 
Apply some Foundation to your Kabuki Brush. You can see how I do this in the picture bellow. Try to cover the whole brush with foundation so it’s not only concentrated in just part of it. To apply it on your face gently tap the brush over it. Just tapping will do. Don’t smudge or anything. Add foundation until the whole face is covered and the imperfections are hidden. If a spot is still not well done, just tap on it until it is. Any other moves while applying are unnecessary. Trust me, this technique is very useful and your face will not look like you just swapped something on it.


Step 3:
Take your powder and your Kabuki Brush (don’t clean it after using the foundation) and add some powder to the brush. Tap it over your face until you are satisfied with the look and… it’s done.

After this quick procedure you can add your other makeup: blush, eye makeup and such. 
After (please keep in mind that I haven't added any other makeup other than what I've listed in the article):


The products I’ve used are:
Witch anti-blemish skin clearing primer
Rimmer Lasting Finish 25 hour
L’oreal “Bare natural” gentle mineral powder
Kabuki Brush with no brand :D

Enjoy. I hope this article has been useful to you! :) I'll be happy to read your comments and questions on my facebook page:
:) Thank you for reading. 

Hair revival. My favorite products.

If you are dyeing your hair, if it’s lifeless, damaged from heat treatment, falling out or let’s say it… in a pretty bad shape than you should keep reading.

This article will be about a few products I’ve been using for the past month that helped my hair get back in shape.
It had the usual problems such as getting dirty in no time, damaged from hear treatment. But about two months ago it even started falling out and that scared me a lot.
Probably the reason was also that I’ve been dyeing for almost two years now and let’s face it… that had it’s fair share on my hair.

How did I deal with this problem?

My mother came upon a site/facebook page of a store that is in the town I study in that offers really great hair products: Macadamia Natural Oil. After reading comments and consulting with store we ordered some of the products: for starters the hair revival shampoo and  masque  It also came with a beautiful hair comb and Macadamia Oil.
After a few washes with the shampoo and the masque and my hair stopped falling out so rapidly, it’s not greasy in just a day… it actually lasts for 3 or 4 days. The color of hair is shiny and nice and I’m really happy with the results.

I also have the Macadamia Conditioner. Still haven’t used it since I have some of my old one left, but I’m sure it’s going to be great.

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque
Macadami Rejuvenating Shampoo
Macadamia moisturizing rinse 
Macadamia oil

As for heat protection I purchased the LAKME K-Style Hot Iron Spray. Great product. I use it before I straighten my hair with the flat iron or decide to curl it. Not only does it protect my hair, but keeps the shape I want it to stay in longer.


I hope this article  was or will be useful to you. I 

All the products here have been bought by me and this is my own personal opinion.
Have a nice week and subscribe to my blog. :)

Cute and fun makeup!

Heeeey, guys! Sorry for the long absence!
Today I’m gonna show you a really quick colorful makeup. It’s pretty easy, takes about 10-15 minutes and you can use it as a fun party makeup.
 Note: Pictures of the eyeshadow used for the makeup.


Step 1:
I prefer doing my foundation routine first. I’ve showed you how I do this in a previous article. So just check it out if you want to! J

A quick TIP: You can add some sticky tape to get the “cut off” eyeshadow… I don’t really know what’s it called, but I think you’ll get the idea from the pictures.

Step 2:
Put some eye primer on your eyes. It will make the eyeshadow stick better and it also the color of the eye shadow will be a lot stronger and not so pale when applied to your eyes. And last but not least, the eyeshadow will last a lot longer on your eyes with a primer.

So after the primer is applied, take a golden shade of eyeshadow and apply to the inner corner of your eye.


Step 3: Take a light blue /sky color blue/ and apply in the middle of the lid. Take a blending brush and blend the golden color with the blue one.

Step 4: Finally pick a matte dark puple color and apply to the end of the lid where the sticky tape it. If you didn’t add sticky tape, just finish it off where you want it to. Also apply just a little over the blue color and blend it all with a blending brush. Remove the sticky tape if you have it.

Step 5: Finally get a white or really light color and blend out with under the arch of the eyebrow. /Yes, I know… mine are not so pretty. Need to fix them fast :D /


Step 6: Last you can add eyeliner, eye pencil and mascara.

Add your blush, lipstick and highlighter and you’re ready to go.

What I've used: 

For foundation I’ve used all the products from the article aboutfoundation I posted here.
The eye primer is “Almay bright eyes”.
For the eye pallets I don’t really know. I got them on ebay, so try looking them up there. J

Eyeliner: Maybelline “Eye Studio® Lasting Drama gel eyeliner” 
Hope you liked this. Enjoy and leave comments and question on my facebook page! :)) 

Skin care time!

Skin care time!

Hey guys!
Today I’m gonna talk about “evening skin care”.
Most of my friends wear foundation and other type of makeup and don’t use proper skin came methods at the end of the day. The results? Dry damaged skin, pimples and such.
It is very important to clean off your makeup at the end of the day. All of it. After all has been done and you’re home and you’re not worried that somebody might see you without makeup.
Going to bed with eyeshadow, foundation and any other type of makeup won’t help you look good in the morning. It will actually make your face look more worn out and people might get the idea that you’re not in the habit of taking care of your appearance.
I apply a few easy steps every evening to clean and refresh my skin every night. You, of course, can use different products. I’ll just make a few suggestions with mine and I hope that this will be useful for you. J

Step 1:
As a first step I clean off the makeup from my face generally. I use “Palmer’s Daily Cleansing Gel”. I just squeeze some on my hand and with the help of some water  I apply it on my face. It cleans up foundation, blush and such really good. You can even clean off eye makeup with it, but you should be very careful. I usually leave the eye makeup for step two.

Note: You can use any kind of toner, face cream or anything for this step. As long as it cleans face makeup it’s good.

Step 2:
Not always everything is cleared up 100 %. It’s pretty dangerous to apply just any kind of cream, lotion or gel to remove eye makeup. I use “L’oreal trippe active Velver toner”. It doesn’t harm my eyes and it’s really good. I use it all over my face to remove any traces of makeup that might have been still there.

Note: A good toner is always a key to a clean face.

Step 3:
If you use products such as mine, after this procedure your skin might feel kind of dry and that’s not really a good feeling.
Since I use a lot of makeup I use some special face creams.
“POND’S cold cream” for all skin types.
“POND’S Nourishing anti-wrinkle  cream”

I apply the cold cream on my face and rinse it off with warm water. After drying up my face I apply  the anti-wrinkle cream. I know I’m just 21, but this is the time when women actually start taking care of this problems. And with the use of many makeup it’s only natural that the skin won’t be so elastic and unproblematic.

NOTE: Drink lot’s of water. This is a key to good looking skin.

For all of you who like natural products I recommend using “Emu Oil”. It’s an all natural product. Use it when you’re at home and don’t have to go out. It’s oil and absorbs slowly. It’s actually best to use it after a shower or before bed.

Well this is it. Using these steps I keep my face clean and I might say I don’t need that much makeup to show my face in public. Hahah.

Hope you found this article useful and remember: Go to bed with clean skin , so you can look awesome in the morning!

Thank you for reading.